Telegram continues to gain features at a steady pace, with the latest update bringing the ability to search for messages within a specific chat window, along with better offline sync and an improved notification system. It is also easier to share links from a browser to the messaging service using…
Google improves Calendar and Gmail sync with Windows Phone 7.5 smartphones
Google has improved its Google Calendar syncing with Windows Phone 7.5 smartphones, now allowing users to easily select multiple calendars to sync with their devices. Read the full story here. View full post on email spoofing – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Dropbox closes cloud sync security holes
Files entrusted to cloud storage provider Dropbox were susceptible to unauthorised access via three attacks devised by security researchers, but the provider has since closed the vulnerabilities. Dropbox could also be used as a place to store documents clandestinely and retrieve them from any Dropbox account controlled by an attacker….