Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Cyberattackers running ransomware campaigns are usually willing to negotiate if it means exhorting any payment at all from victims, researchers claim. Ransomware is a particularly nasty breed of malware which, once downloaded and executed on a vulnerable system, will encrypt files…
Elements-The Periodic Table, today’s AdDuplex HERO App
As you may recall, last month AdDuplex launched a new promotional campaign, the HERO Apps program, for Windows Phone and Windows developers. The program partners AdDuplex with myAppFree, AppDeals, PluralSight and Windows Central to deliver a host of benefits to the top apps and games each month on the AdDuplex…
2012 Homeland Security Awards Half Table
$1,300.00 Person 1: Enter the person’s name and company name as they should appear on the dinner badge. Person 2: Person 3: Person 4: Person 5: View full post on Government Security News View full post on The Cyber Wars
TSO’s union, TSA back at negotiating table for two days
Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector: airport_aviation_security The union that represents 45,000 federal airport security officers nationwide and the Transportation Security Administration are back at the negotiations table hoping to wind up talks on their first collective bargaining agreement. A report in the July 30 issue of the American Federation of…
(3) MEDIUM: Apple QuickTime Font Table Signed Length Vulnerability
Category: Widely Deployed Software Affected: Apple QuickTime Player prior to 7.7.1 View full post on @RISK: The Consensus Security Alert View full post on National Cyber Security