Body: The last 10 years have seen a significant change in the information technology business. And I don’t mean the technology—that change is a given. Ten years ago, only the information technology companies had thought in real depth about people’s IT skills, and how to have the right capability in…
FBI Director: Cyber Attacks Could Be Bigger Threat Than Terrorism
FBI Director Robert Mueller suggested Thursday that cyber-security threats could soon be more of a threat than terrorism. View full post on cyber terrorism – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Be better than James Bond
View full post on SANS Institute Security Awareness Tip of the Day View full post on National Cyber Security
ProtectMyID: #Truesday: Business data breaches result in more exposed records than any other type of data breach. T or F?
ProtectMyID: #Truesday: Business data breaches result in more exposed records than any other type of data breach. T or F? View full post on Twitter / ProtectMyID View full post on National Cyber Security
Is Apple’s iOS really safer than Android against malware?
A new study from Juniper finds that Android is the hardest hit by malicious apps but says iOS could be vulnerable as well. Android has gotten a lot of negative buzz for its susceptibility to malware. But a new study from Juniper Networks suggests that iOS could also be at…
ProtectMyID: False. Less than 1/2 of data breaches in 2011 resulted from malice, @ITRC found. What’s going on the rest of the time?
ProtectMyID: False. Less than 1/2 of data breaches in 2011 resulted from malice, @ITRC found. What’s going on the rest of the time? View full post on Twitter / ProtectMyID View full post on National Cyber Security
Data breach harm assessment ‘more important than telling victims’
IT professionals believe that assessing the potential harm caused by data breaches is more useful to mitigating the effects of such incidents than notifying affected individuals, according to a survey published on the day the European Union’s proposed a 24-hour deadline for data breach disclosures. Entitled “Aftermath of a Data…
Google Plus has more than 90 million users, claims Larry Page
Google’s social networking platform has had a very encouraging quarter, as CEO Larry Page announced yesterday that Google+ now boasts more than 90 million users worldwide, more than double the number of users it had in the previous quarter. Page also said that engagement on the social networking site has…
Bamboozled: Bank guilty of nothing more than a slow response
Just what does the law require when someone is turned down for a credit card? View full post on credit report fraud – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
ProtectMyID: #truestory: Muggers get more than the money you’re carrying. Know how to protect yourself if you lose your wallet.
ProtectMyID: #truestory: Muggers get more than the money you’re carrying. Know how to protect yourself if you lose your wallet. View full post on Twitter / ProtectMyID View full post on National Cyber Security