If you get rejected don’t worry, plenty of fish in the sea!! My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bryan.larue.758 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bryan_La_R… Read More…. View full post on Select From Our Menu
The scariest thing about the Flashback trojan: I have no idea how to fight it
For four years in college I worked in my school’s IT department. It was nice, my job, because honed my computer skills on a variety of fronts, teaching me the ups and downs of how to identify and fix all sorts of computer problems. Malware removal was at the forefront of these skills. Pretty…
DNS Changer infrastructure shutdown is a *good* thing
The FBI may shutdown the DNS servers victims of the DNS Changer malware have been using on March 8th. Is this a dangerous action, or is five months to clean up your PC enough? View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
ProtectMyID: False. Ripping up documents is not enough. The safest thing to do is shred with a crosscut shredder. #identitytheft
ProtectMyID: False. Ripping up documents is not enough. The safest thing to do is shred with a crosscut shredder. #identitytheft View full post on Twitter / ProtectMyID View full post on National Cyber Security
New Mac Trojan Proves There`s No Such Thing as a Malware Proof Platform
New Mac Trojan Proves There`s No Such Thing as a Malware Proof Platform ( Page 1 of 2 ) We’ve been hearing the stories for years about how Apple’s Macintosh is immune to malware. For years I’ve heard the smug claims from Mac owners about how it’s too bad that…
ProtectMyID: If you’re doing one thing this Saturday, it better not be worrying about the effects of #identitytheft. That’s what we’re here for. #Relax
ProtectMyID: If you’re doing one thing this Saturday, it better not be worrying about the effects of #identitytheft. That’s what we’re here for. #Relax View full post on Twitter / ProtectMyID View full post on National Cyber Security