King to relinquish chair, Thompson queries three potential replacements on jurisdiction

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  federal_agencies_legislative Image Caption:  Rep. Peter King After current House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said he wouldn’t retain his committee leadership come January, the committee’s ranking member Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) reminded three potential  replacements the committee needs more jurisdictional control. Homepage…

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Three more plead guilty in Ohio bridge bomb plot

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  federal_agencies_legislative Image Caption:  Rt. 82 bridge Three the five men arrested in May for planning to blow up a bridge near Cleveland, OH, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and weapons of mass destruction charges in a federal courtroom on Sept. 5. Douglas L. Wright, 26, of…

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AnonymousCyberWar – three software to topple site

Nessa video-aula estarei mostrando três Softwarezinhos que vocês poderão utilizar para Derrubar um Site, não deixarei o Download Aki, más vocês podem pesquisar no Google que vocês encontrarão os Programinhas os nomes deles são: DoSHTTP 2.5, HOIC e Good Bye. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry… View full…

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