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Twitter – Adicione todos seguidores de perfil com apenas um click!
Que tal criar uma função que adicione todos seguidores de um certo perfil automaticamente, isto mesmo. Automaticamente! Usando este script, com um clique, você pode adicionar todos seguidores de um perfil qualquer, por exemplo, com um clique você programar seu computador para ficar adicionando automaticamente todos os 510.000 seguidores do…
Como Hackear um Twitter
Nessa video aula eu estarei ensinando para voces como hackiar um Twitter Qual quer um pode ser de alugma pessoa famosa , eu escolhi o do marcos mion pra fazer uma demonstraçao.(Confiram) Qual quer duvida e so deixar um comentario que eu respondo View full post on National Cyber Security
Vikileaks Twitter campaign falls over, but Vic Toews still standing
While the fury over Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’ really, really poor choice of words continues to snowball, Vikileaks Twitter campaign was shut down last night. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
Twitter enables HTTPS by default
Twitter has enabled secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) for all its users by default, meaning that traffic on the micro-blogging site is now encrypted, providing better protection against man-in-the-middle attacks. HTTPS keeps the session cookie encrypted throughout the log-in session, preventing the information from being intercepted. Twitter, which made opt-in…
HTTPS enabled by default – nice one Twitter!
Twitter announces that it has enabled HTTPS/SSL by default – a great step for protecting users’ privacy. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
What do I do if my Twitter account is hacked?
Many Naked Security readers ask for assistance when their accounts are hacked, or when their friends, family and colleagues need assistance. This article explains the steps needed to safely reacquire control of your Twitter account. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
Grassley Twitter account hacked
WATERLOO – Sen. Charles Grassley 's Twitter account was hacked Monday, one of the tell-tale signs being the hacker Tweeted in complete sentences. View full post on politics hacker – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Twitter Acquires Malware Protection Company
Gearing up for Twitter’s self-serve advertising launch — currently in beta stage with only a small selection of advertisers — the company announced its acquisition of spam and malware protection service Dasient on Monday. Dasient will be integrated into Twitter’s “revenue engineering team because they have a deep understanding of…
Twitter acquires anti-malware company Dasient
Twitter brought the malware-fighting startup Dasient into its team today. “Effective immediately, we will be bringing our technology, tools, and team to the revenue engineering team at Twitter,” Dasient wrote on its blog. This company, which specializes in malware protection and Web security, launched its Web anti-malware platform in 2009….