TheAnonMessage – Urgent Message

Citizens of the World, We are Anonymous. It has come to light that several cases of kidnapping of Anonymous individuals were caused by unknown federal officials. Recently, the owner of this channel, TheAnonMessage, was kidnapped by individuals who as he recalls, did not have any markings or identification. He initially…

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URGENT URGENT Message from TheAnonMessage

This is an urgent message—please MIRROR this video: Follow @TheAnonMessage on Twitter TRANSCRIPT ______ This is an urgent message from TheAnonMessage. Citizens of the world. I am TheAnonMessage. I wanted to address you as quickly and as efficiently as I could. YouTube has decided to block access to my…

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URGENT Message from TheAnonMessage (Mirror).

TheAnonMessage has asked the people to mirror this video. I am not “TheAnonMessage”. Spread this video far and wide, all over the internet. Here is TheAnonMessage’s new channel: This is an urgent message—please MIRROR this video: Follow @TheAnonMessage on Twitter TRANSCRIPT ______ This is an urgent message from…

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Urgent Message Kidnapping of Anonymous Activists by Govern Mesazh Urgjent – Rrëmbimi i aktivistëve Anonim nga Qeveria! Ajo ka ardhur në dritë se disa raste të rrëmbimit të individëve Anonim janë shkaktuar nga zyrtarët e panjohur federale. Kohët e fundit, pronari i këtij kanali, TheAnonMessage, u rrëmbye nga individë që si ai kujton, nuk kanë asnjë…

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URGENT Message from TheAnonMessage

This is an urgent message—please MIRROR this video: Follow @TheAnonMessage on Twitter TRANSCRIPT ______ This is an urgent message from TheAnonMessage. Citizens of the world. I am TheAnonMessage. I wanted to address you as quickly and as efficiently as I could. YouTube has decided to block access to my…

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Urgent Message

Citizens of the World, We are Anonymous. It has come to light that several cases of kidnapping of Anonymous individuals were caused by unknown federal officials. Recently, the owner of this channel, TheAnonMessage, was kidnapped by individuals who as he recalls, did not have any markings or identification. He initially…

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