How jailbreak iPhone 4 ios 4.0.1 and fix MMS and facetime All music rights to lilcrazed View full post on National Cyber Security Gregory Evans | LinkedIn Interview With Gregory Evans Gregory Evans Security Expert Gregory Evans on Cyber Crime
DigiNotar hacker wants to expand spy attacks globally using stolen certificates
The hacker linked to several breaches of SSL certificate-issuing networks this year admitted sharing stolen certificates with others in Iran and has threatened to extend future spy-style attacks to computer users in the US, Europe and Israel. “I’ll own as more as gateways in Israel, USA, Europe, as more as…
Metropolitan UK Police hacked for #Antisec by CSL Security using SQL injection Vulnerability
Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
Fifteen-Month Sentence for Using Information Found Online to Drain Bank Accounts (August 15, 2011)
Iain Wood has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for using information his Facebook friends had posted online to steal money from their bank accounts……. View full post on SANS NewsBites View full post on National Cyber Security
Malware mints virtual currency using victim’s GPU
Security researchers have unearthed a piece of malware that mints a digital currency known as Bitcoins by harnessing the immense power of an infected machine’s graphical processing units. According to new research from antivirus provider Symantec, Trojan.Badminer uses GPUs to generate virtual coins through a practice known as minting. That’s…