Public Utility company strike by the hackers

The public utility in the United Sates is hacked by the hackers when it was only guarded by the ordinary passwords. The remote access was actually allowed on those utility’s hosts. The system and its privacy got into trouble when the complicated menace entered into the network in an illegal…

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Cyber attack on Ill. water utility gains local attention

OTTUMWA — A “malfunction” under investigation at an Illinois water works plant may have been sabotage by computer hackers. Iowa plant managers are starting to take notice. “We take threats very seriously,” said Marty Braster, environmental management specialist for Rathbun Regional Water Association. The moment he received word of the…

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Foreign hacker at utility was false alarm

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (UPI) — An apparent foreign intrusion into an Illinois municipal water system’s computers has turned out to be a false alarm, a source told The Washington Post. The “intruder” was a contractor who accessed the system remotely while on a trip to Russia, the source said. Problems…

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