Earlier this month, China’s regulatory agency TENAA certified the Lenovo Vibe X3. The agency found that the phone has a Snapdragon 808 chipset inside, which means that there is a hexa-core CPU and the Adreno 418 GPU. And despite earlier rumors that the handset would feature a 5-inch display, it…
Lenovo Vibe X3 fully unveiled, could be released in the near future
The Lenovo Vibe X3 is an unannounced smartphone that first showed up way back in February. It appears that the device will soon be available to buy (at least in some regions), as it’s just been approved by China’s Telecommunications Certification Center. Thanks to this approval, we can take a…
Lenovo Vibe S1 hands-on
Selfie cameras have become such a hit amongst the younger demographics, so it’s should be no surprise to anyone that companies will keep on focusing on them. Case in point, the Lenovo VIBE S1, which caters to those who just can’t get enough of themselves. What separates this one from…
Lenovo Vibe P1 with 5000 mAh juicer leaks: stellar battery life and finger scanner in metal chassis
Lenovo is really in to surprise us this IFA expo, as it seems to be prepping a bunch of phones to announce for next week. Gone are the days when Lenovo released value-for-money plastic handsets, as it is now at the forefront of design when it comes to Chinese manufacturers,…
Vibe Awards Fight part 1
what really happened at the vibe awards. Read More…. View full post on Hip Hop Security