DHS wants to extend border zone in New Mexico

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  border_security Image Caption:  Las Cruces, NM DHS wants to extend the border zone in New Mexico another 30 miles to include three more northerly communities in a move it said will allow less paperwork for visitors and pump more commerce to the area. Homepage position: …

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Secret Service wants to purchase 200 GPS tracking units

Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector:  law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption:  Sendum’s PT300GPS tracker The U.S. Secret Service plans to purchase 200 units of the PT300 GPS tracker from Sendum Wireless Corp., of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, or an equivalent GPS product, to use in tracking the precise location of packages or other…

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King wants broader investigation of security leaks

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  federal_agencies_legislative Image Caption:  Syrian rebels The chairman of the House Homeland Security committee wants a broader investigation by the FBI into security leaks by the Obama administration in the wake of news reports that the White House secretly authorized U.S. support for Syrian rebels and…

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Android botnet wants to sell you Viagra, penny stocks and e-cards

Criminals have created a botnet of Android phones to send spam messages using Yahoo! mail. The malware problems on Android continue to grow and mimic their Windows cousins. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos For more information go to http://www.NationalCyberSecurity.com, http://www. GregoryDEvans.com, http://www.LocatePC.net or http://AmIHackerProof.com View full post…

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FBI wants backdoors into VoIP, video, social networks and email

Wiretaps increasingly are becoming old school as technology bypasses the eavesdropping technology. Now, says the FBI, it needs access to more current technologies, like VoIP and email, and it’s very interested in getting access to social networks. The FBI wants backdoors–methods of bypassing normal security and encryption–into Facebook, Google+ Hangouts,…

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