How smart should a smart home be before it's worthy of the name? To date, perhaps the term has been too readily applied to homes that are merely high-tech. Automated systems, remote control of appliances from mobile devices, TV and phone over IP—these are all welcome breakthroughs. These technologies are…
Cop watchers: Anonymous vs. police
By Steve Turnham and Amber Lyon NEW YORK — "Expect us" is the favorite tag line for an endless stream of Web videos posted by the Internet collective known as Anonymous. It’s a promise and a threat. In 2011, galvanized by the national Occupy movement, Anonymous delivered. "This is…
Watching the watchers
While there’s no single fix, a number of experts weigh-in on how to make certain those with privileged access don’t abuse it. View full post on hacking tools – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security