Watch out for the enemy within

Quick – name a security risk to your business that represents over half of security attacks. Did you think “people inside my business?” Probably not. Yet the 2015 IBM Cyber Security Intelligence Index found that over half of security attacks came from within: 31.5 per cent from malicious insiders and…

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Cybersecurity: Tackling the threat from within

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans The firewalls, anti-virus software, mail-filters and other digital defences used across the business world are generally looking for external threats. But what if the bad guys are on the inside? What if your own employees are seeking to defraud your company…

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Beauty from within: Carmen Carrera

Being a woman is hard work. You are constantly being scrutinized and pressured to the extremities of beauty. For most women the pressure to be utterly stunning is too much to take, but for Carmen Carrera, the need for a female body triumphs all. Being a woman myself, I don’t…

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Data breach within Lowe’s

Sometimes, it gets more serious than the breach issue. Lowe’s faced this problem when its third-party enterprise mistakenly uploaded the data of its employees to an unprotected server. The backup file was full of the personal details of Lowe’s employee. The details included addresses, birth dates, names, driver’s licenses number,…

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Cyber Security in South Korea: The Threat Within

Since the first large scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in July 2009, the South Korean government has consistently accused North Korea of being the culprit behind other incidents. Specifically, it cites as responsible a hacking and cyber-warfare unit established in 2009 at the Reconnaissance General Bureau of the North Korean National Defense Commission….

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