Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Uncle Sam wants you to hack the Pentagon. One of the most secure government buildings in the U.S. has been hit by cyberattacks several times in recent years. Here’s how the government is relying on you to protect our nation’s security….
Next-gen virus found and This is how it works
An unusual strain of virus-like hacker software that exploits computer server vulnerabilities without requiring human interaction is a leading example of a new generation of “ransomware,” according to a new report by Cisco Systems Inc. Hackers use such software to target large-scale networks and hold data hostage in exchange for…
Protected: How Computer Hacker Works
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Boca Raton-Based Child Rescue Coalition Works “To Find Those That Victimize Kids”
It is some of the most sophisticated and fascinating technology that you will ever see and it’s being used right here in South Florida – and across the country – to catch people sharing, viewing and even creating child pornography. The tech is responsible for the headline-grabbing arrest over the…
The NSA and EFF Agree on One Thing: How the NSA’s Internet Spying Works
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Much has changed in the nearly ten years since we launched our first lawsuit challenging the NSA’s illegal surveillance of millions of Americans’ Internet communications. Over time, the defendants in the cases have changed; the legal “authority” the government has invoked…
The Xiaomi Mi 4c works with both Type-C and MicroUSB cables
Xiaomi president and co-founder Lin Bin has been really talking up the Xiaomi Mi 4c, which is supposed to be unveiled on September 22nd. Only 100,000 handsets are being made, and the phone is expected to launch on October 3rd. There will be three versions of the device, one with…
Hacking endangers U.S. agents, cyber sanctions in the works, surveillance court battle continues
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Chinese and Russian spy agencies are using hacked U.S. data to identify American intelligence officers and agents. “At least one clandestine network of American engineers and scientists who provide technical assistance to U.S. undercover operatives and agents overseas has been compromised…
Lumia Camera app now works with non-Lumia Windows Phone models
Back at the beginning of this year, we told you that the Lumia Camera app will work on all Windows 10 devices (including PCs and tablets), regardless of the manufacturer. But right now, even before Windows 10 Mobile has been rolled out, non-Lumia Windows Phone 8.1 powered handsets can download…
Desperately seeking STEM: Ministry works to promote cyber-education
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans In a bid to ensure that Israel retains its edge in cyber-security, the the Science and Technology Ministry on Wednesday signed a deal with Lockheed Martin to produce educational curricula in science and technology, with an emphasis on teaching the principles…
Spotsylvania tech firm works on Memex project featured on ’60 Minutes’
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Powered by Max Banner Ads IST Research’s 24 employees have fairly typical backgrounds for the Fredericksburg region. They’re government contractors, retired military personnel and recent college graduates. But their work creating technology for the developing world and mining the Internet for data…