Snowden Tells Hackers of the World to Unite Snowden gives the hacker community its marching orders: Fight surveillance by making privacy tools for everyone. Edward Snowden addressed a packed-to-capacity crowd at the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference with a message reminiscent of a line from the hacker scene’s
CEll Phone Security, Locate and Track Any Cell Phone World Wide Find out Everything, Where is Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Business Partner, Lover, Child. What are THEY Talking About, Find The… ________________________ – – –
American Hackers vs. The World! I love m
American Hackers vs. The World! I love my country (United States Of America) but…… Americans can be very cocky. I set in on a meeting of computer security experts in Washington DC, not to long ago and they all bragged about how good they are. They talked down about computer…
Find out if any website in the world is
Find out if any website in the world is hacker proof in minutes for free. Go to View full post on Gregory d. evans
Ebony: It’s a man’s world
After graduating from college, Ebony went on to get her Master of Arts Degree and her Ph.D.; she is now on her journey to find a job. Now for those of us who have been there and done that, we know that this process is no walk in the park,…
World Cup Website Hacked? Anonymous, the
World Cup Website Hacked? Anonymous, the hackers’ group, has claimed it has attacked a large number of websites associated with the World Cup , including Bank of Brazil ‘s and that of the country’s military police. The loose association of so-called hacktivists , which claim they compromise websites for a…
“News of the World”: Judge Finishes Case Summary, Jury to Mull Verdicts
The jury will deliberate on charges against former “News of the World” editors Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson and five others. The 11-person jury will have to decide on charges of hacking into cell phones to retrieve voice messages, bribing public officials and a conspiracy to “pervert the course of…
World Cup Website Hacked?
Anonymous, the hackers’ group, has claimed it has attacked a large number of websites associated with the World Cup , including Bank of Brazil ‘s and that of the country’s military police. The loose association of so-called hacktivists , which claim they compromise websites for a cause, launched a campaign it called “Tangodown” or “ophackingcup” on…
Secure your internet world with the simple tips
Despite of all the preventive measures taken regarding cyber security, the bugs of internet world have been strengthened more. Almost every big corporation in the world has faced the data breach in last 2 months. Google, Microsoft, eBay, Target, etc. were the huge marks for the hackers. Millions of the…
Things could get nasty by hackers at FIFA World Cup 2014
The official sponsors of the FIFA World Cup could face a hassle from the hacker group Anonymous, who are angry over the excessive expenditure of the tournament to supply the right and core facilities to the participants of the world cup. The hacker told from the unknown destination that the…