A world-first cyber crime fighting training centre opened in Bristol aiming to help businesses government agencies and even police forces keep ahead of this growing threat. The centre, run by Protection Group International, was opened by Organised Crime Minister Karen […] For more information go to http://www.NationalCyberSecurity.com, http://www. GregoryDEvans.com, http://www.LocatePC.net…
UQ experts develop world-first facial recognition technology to combat exploding cyber Read more: http://www.couriermail.com.au/national-news/queensland/uq-experts-develop-worldfirst-facial-recognition-technology-to-combat-exploding-cyber-crime/story-fnii5v6w-1226709994024#ixzz2drQ5rACA
THE human face is set to become the next-generation internet banking “password”, with Queensland researchers developing world-first facial recognition technology to counter exploding cyber crime. University of Queensland experts were facing off against global computer criminals, including Chinese child hackers, an international cyber crime conference on the Gold Coast heard…