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Teen of the Week: Jenn Radman

“I can’t be president of the United States as I was born in Russia, but I can be a Senator,” Jenn notes. “You can do anything if you have the right mindset, motivation and goals.”

The 17-year-old South River High senior lives in Crofton with her parents. Her dad, John, an engineer for Pepco, emigrated from Croatia when he was 13. Her mother, Janet, is an active volunteer at the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church in Crofton.

“I find being goal-oriented is important in order to get what you want to achieve,” the petite teen stated. “I like helping people.”

She realized, near the end of her freshman year, that she was becoming a slacker. At the same time, a group of girls was cyber-bullying her via nasty text messages. Once the police got involved, the bullying stopped, but it was another wake-up call for Jenn. During her sophomore year, a more motivated Jenn made new friends and got involved in school and church service activities. Not coincidentally, her grade point average “skyrocketed.”

One friend, Sarah Jones, describing Jenn’s study habits, calls her “the most focused student I know.”

History teacher Stacey L. Billingsley says Jenn’s strongest attribute is her determination.

“She sets a goal for herself and ensures that the goal is met. She said to me, ‘I’m going to get an A in your class.’ She came in for extra help and really put forth the effort to get that A. I assigned an Oral History project last year. Most would just put something together to satisfy the grade, but Jenn not only met with me to be sure it was done correctly, but also to discuss what she learned from the project. It’s rare that students meet with their teacher on their own time to discuss history.

“That is what sets Jenn apart.”

Enrolled in South River’s Advancement Via Individual Determination college prep program, Jenn paid attention her junior year when the instructor mentioned there is an internship program for high school students in the Anne Arundel County Executive’s office. The teen applied right away and crossed her fingers.

“I wanted to work in an office setting and give back to the community,” Jenn said.

“Her charisma is contagious and she is certainly a model for other students,” said AVID Site Coordinator Josh Carroll, who kept his fingers crossed, too. He lauded Jenn’s “strong commitment to her community. I am so impressed by her desire to help others in a variety of ways.”

The County Executive’s office manager Carla Sagerholm reviewed the applications and interviewed three students for the unpaid summer internship. She hired Jenn for the internship in the County Executive’s Office of Community and Constituent Services.

“As soon as she joined us, she became a vital part of the team,” said Brenda Reiber, director of Community and Constituent Services. “She helped organize Crofton’s first National Night Out Against Crime and spent the evening speaking with participants and explaining the functions of Community and Constituent Services.” Reiber said Jenn recruited other teens to assist at the county’s booth and required no direction to accomplish what needed to be done. The event took place in the Crofton Skate Park on a weather-perfect day. County police and fire departments brought their equipment and showed them off to the nearly 200 people who turned out.

Besides gearing up the National Night Out, Jenn worked on legal mailings, talked with constituents on the phone, and handled myriad office duties. “Every teen should learn to work in an office setting before going out into the work force,” Jenn advised.

County Executive John R. Leopold commended the teen for setting an example for other students. “I hope that she found her internship in my office of Community and Constituent Services a valuable experience that she can build on as a future leader among her peers.”

Back in school, Jenn is an aide in the counseling office. “We have truly enjoyed her welcoming attitude and eagerness to help us in any way possible,” counselor Chadwick Bickel said. “She is a highly motivated young woman who has sought out academic challenges and done very well.”

Bickel noted: “Outside of the classroom, Jenn dedicates her time helping with our Green Team and Spanish Club, plus serving as a tutor with our AVID program.”

Jenn also assists several Special Education students in the Foundations of Art classes as a peer mentor. “The stuff that comes easily to us is harder for them to understand,” Jenn said. “When they get it and you see the smiles on their faces, it is incredible.”

The honor roll student has also earned a green belt in karate and it is her goal to earn a brown belt during college, and, eventually, the prized black belt. “I know how to deliver a roundhouse kick or put out an eye,” she claimed. “It’s a healthy way to exercise and make friends. Every woman – and every man – needs to know self-defense skills.”

She is applying to several colleges, though she has not yet whittled down her interests into one specific major. Interior Design looks good, as does Physical Therapy, Hotel Management, International Studies and a future with the C.I.A. Jenn has time.

Looking back, Jenn said, “I’ve accomplished a lot and want to go for – and do – big things.”

“I’ve come a long way since freshman year when I was slacking off. I’ve changed. I got an epiphany that I could make a change.”

Anyone may nominate a Teen of the Week. If you have a nomination, send it by e-mail to Wendi Winters at

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Tags: cyber crime, russia

Category: Cyber Crime

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