Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Identity theft is nothing new but a push to protect kids and teens is new and now underway in Utah schools. Wednesday is “get smart about credit day” and Zion’s Bank used the opportunity to talk to teens about what they can do to protect their credit as they prepare to leave home. A new Carnegie Mellon study shows that teens age 15 to 18 are twice as likely as their parents to become victims of fraud and identity theft. The study points to kids as easy targets with new clean credit and their use of social media. For many teens social media can be their downfall even when they’re doing all they think they can to protect their hard-earned money. At West High today kids were asked a few seemingly simple questions like whether or not they shared their birthday on social media, and more importantly the actual year they were born. Many students answered yes to both questions, and many more that stand to hurt them in the long run. Teens got the financial reality check from Zion’s Bank president Scott Anderson who says teens need to be aware of what their credit report can do to hurt […]
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