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The Man Who Killed Journalism

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

This is a book about Rupert Murdoch – the most powerful media Moghul in the world – and his tabloid empire in Britain. He is someone who uses the clout of his myriad media outlets to browbeat, bully and destroy politicians he does not like, even as he openly plumps for the ones he favours. It is more specifically about the corrosive tabloid culture he has spawned over the years based on sex, sleaze and blackmail that has sustained his empire and made him a market leader. There is nothing that a Murdoch journalist cannot or does not do to keep his master’s media behemoth rolling. In the process, every single institution has been destroyed or compromised, not least the newsroom itself where editors double up as executioners of his will cast in stone, and journalists run the risk of becoming  smut addicts and hackers. Hack Attack: How the Truth Caught Up With Rupert Murdoch, written by Guardian journalist Nick Davies is a 400-page tome, an exposé on how the dreaded but now defunct tabloid – News of the World (NoTW) – hacked its way into becoming the United Kingdom’s undisputed market leader. Way back in 2007 NoTW journalist Clive Goodman was arrested along with […]

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