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This day in history: first black poet is published

Jupiter Hammon (October 17, 1711 – before 1806) was a black poet who became the first African-American published writer in America when his poem appeared in print on December 25,1760. He was a slave his entire life, and the date of his death is unknown. He was living in 1790 at the age of 79, and died by 1806. Hammon was a devout Christian, and is considered one of the founders of African-American literature.

Lloyd manor sign

Photo: Public Domain

Hammon’s first published poem was written on Christmas Day, 1760. “An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries, composed by Jupiter Hammon, a Negro belonging to Mr. Lloyd of Queen’s Village, on Long Island, the 25th of December, 1760″ appeared as a broadside in 1761. Three other poems and three sermon essays followed. In Hammon’s “Address to the Negroes of New York, to the African Society,” he said that while he personally had no wish to be free, he did wish others, especially “the young Negroes, were free.”

An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ, with Penitential Cries

By Jupiter Hammon

Salvation comes by Jesus Christ alone,

The only Son of God;

Redemption now to every one,

That love his holy Word.

Dear Jesus we would fly to Thee,

And leave off every Sin,

Thy Tender Mercy well agree;

Salvation from our King.

Salvation comes now from the Lord,

Our victorious King;

His holy Name be well ador’d,

Salvation surely bring.

Dear Jesus give they Spirit now,

Thy Grace to every Nation,

That han’t the Lord to whom we bow,

The Author of Salvation.

Dear Jesus unto Thee we cry,

Give us the Preparation;

Turn not away thy tender Eye;

We seek thy true Salvation.

Salvation comes from God we know,

The true and only One;

It’s well agreed and certain true,

He gave his only Son.

Lord hear our penetential Cry:

Salvation from above;

It is the Lord that doth supply,

With his Redeeming Love.

Dear Jesus by thy precious Blood,

The World Redemption have:

Salvation now comes from the Lord,

He being thy captive slave.

Dear Jesus let the Nations cry,

And all the People say,

Salvation comes from Christ on high,

Haste on Tribunal Day.

We cry as Sinners to the Lord,

Salvation to obtain;

It is firmly fixt his holy Word,

Ye shall not cry in vain.

Dear Jesus unto Thee we cry,

And make our Lamentation:

O let our Prayers ascend on high;

We felt thy Salvation.

Lord turn our dark benighted Souls;

Give us a true Motion,

And let the Hearts of all the World,

Make Christ their Salvation.

Ten Thousand Angels cry to Thee,

Yea lourder than the Ocean.

Thou art the Lord, we plainly see;

Thou art the true Salvation.

Now is the Day, excepted Time;

The Day of Salvation;

Increase your Faith, do no repine:

Awake ye every Nation.

Lord unto whom now shall we go,

Or seek a safe Abode;

Thou hast the Word Salvation too

The only Son of God.

Ho! every one that hunger hath,

Or pineth after me,

Salvation be thy leading Staff,

To set the Sinner free.

Dear Jesus unto Thee we fly;

Depart, depart from Sin,

Salvation doth at length supply,

The Glory of our King.

Come ye Blessed of the Lord,

Salvation greatly given;

O turn your Hearts, accept the Word,

Your Souls are fit for Heaven.

Dear Jesus we now turn to Thee,

Salvation to obtain;

Our Hearts and Souls do meet again,

To magnify thy Name.

Come holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove,

The Object of our Care;

Salvation doth increase our Love;

Our Hearts hath felt thy fear.

Now Glory be to God on High,

Salvation high and low;

And thus the Soul on Christ rely,

To Heaven surely go.

Come Blessed Jesus, Heavenly Dove,

Accept Repentance here;

Salvation give, with tender Love;

Let us with Angels share.



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