This is the only transcripts of Gregory D Evans lecturing the Computer Security students at Georgia State.
Joined on October 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Instructor: Hi, Lori
Instructor: Hello, Mr. Evans. It is great to see you again!
Instructor (Eun Park): yes
Instructor (Lori Blair): hello, sorry I was trying to make the puppy happy before class
Instructor (Eun Park):
Instructor (Lori Blair): I’ve taught her how to play dead
Instructor (Lori Blair): if you point at her and go “bang bang” she flops on her back
Instructor (GRegory Evans): how come I can’t hear anyone?
Instructor (Eun Park): oh, so cute!
Lottie Smith: yes
Instructor (Demario Jones): yes
Instructor (Landon Bennett): yes
Instructor (Lori Blair):
Instructor (Lori Blair): enabling dynamic ip address now
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): No
Instructor (Denton Theriot): Of course, we would never do that. Never. Not once.
Instructor (Denton Theriot): Oh hey, pizza is here!
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Chill out why you snitching?
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Landon Bennett): professor park, I have to leave at 8 tonight just so you know.
Instructor (Landon Bennett): its the only time I will miss anything
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): its thursday night the weekend starts tonight
Instructor (Lori Blair): Welcome!
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): welcome!
Instructor (Landon Bennett): my fiance is moving to atl tonight and I have to help her move into her apartment. she starts her new job tomm. yes I will definately replay the class
Instructor (Landon Bennett): she cant lift stuff by herself
Instructor (Lottie Smith): No one moves at night landon
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Lol Lottie
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): You are right
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Yes
Instructor (Kalli Walker): yes
Instructor (Sunitha Alexander): yup
Instructor (Eun Park):
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): yes
Instructor (Lori Blair): yes
Instructor (Ashley White): yes
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Who Bush?
Instructor (Lori Blair): android <3
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): Blackberry
Instructor (Ashley White): windows HTC
Instructor (Lori Blair): webos
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): METRO PCS
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): lol
Instructor (Kalli Walker): i can’t hear over the website
Instructor (Lori Blair): yeah I can’t hear you over the sound
Instructor (Lori Blair): ooh it’s got an rss feed
Instructor (Kalli Walker): we cant hear over the website]
Instructor (Danny Rios): you can pause it or mute the website
Instructor (Danny Rios): yes
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): nationcybersecurity had a blogtalkradio part
Instructor (Kalli Walker): cyber something radio
Instructor (Ashley White): no
Instructor (Lottie Smith): yes…she’s talking
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): that was playing
Instructor (Denton Theriot): It reads the new aloud
Instructor (Lori Blair): yeah it’s playing the radio from 10/4/11
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): the national cyber security site
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): people can just pause it
Instructor (Danny Rios): “Listen to NCS Daily Radio”
Instructor (Kalli Walker): yay!
Instructor (Danny Rios): right hand side
Instructor (Eun Park): Kall, do you have a question?i
Instructor (Kalli Walker): no
Instructor (Eun Park): I see.
Instructor (Demario Jones): good advice
Instructor (Ashley White): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): money’s nice lol
Instructor (Demario Jones): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): what??
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu):
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): You seen TI guns?
Instructor (Lori Blair): Oh lord, my father in law is a rapper
Instructor (Lori Blair): cough RSA cough
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): *cough* Sony *cough*
Instructor (Lori Blair): no just joking about the number of guns he has lying around
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): lol. that was funny
Instructor (Oluwachegum Paul Michel): lol
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Talent and harwork
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): you said million a week?
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): But you are making the IT manager looks bad! He might lose his job!
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): he should be doing a better job
Instructor (Demario Jones): They was going to lose it any way.
Instructor (Michael Zhu): if I had a business and my IT manager was like that, I’d fire him too
Instructor (Oluwachegum Paul Michel): better lose an IT manager then lose millions
Instructor (Michael Zhu): exactly
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Yes
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Thats a great idea!
Instructor (Ashley White): dang that’s wrong
Instructor (Erica Robinson): MEEE
Instructor (Michael Zhu): opppps
Instructor (Lori Blair): i’m pastafarian
Instructor (Erica Robinson): Voices of Faith I do!
Instructor (Ashley White): newbirth (lol)
Instructor (Lori Blair): I’m picturing Ocean’s Eleven here
Instructor (Ashley White): wow this is crazy
Instructor (Michael Zhu): that better be secured
Instructor (Ashley White): i remember
Instructor (Amber Jefferson): WOW!
Instructor (Ashley White): wow
Instructor (Ashley White): real crazy
Instructor (Ashley White): ur sily
Instructor (Ashley White): silly
Instructor (Lottie Smith):–+Computer+Hackers+Make+Mega+Millions+From+Mega+Churches.str?2300
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Lori Blair): haha lemme guess they never changed it from admin
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): exactly
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): lol
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): b4 passwords?
Instructor (Michael Zhu): can you believe how many routers around me are still doing this?
Instructor (Michael Zhu): /me facepalm
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): They could be honey pots
Instructor (Lori Blair): good old netgear user name: admin, pw: admin
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): be careful
Instructor (Ashley White): default passwords(Oladayo Lasile)
Instructor (Michael Zhu): password: not under 12 characters
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): thanks ashley
Instructor (Ashley White): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): no problem
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): hahaha
Instructor (Lori Blair): drop infected usb drives in the parking lot, see how many people pick them up and plug them into their comps
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): what was the percentage
Instructor (Lori Blair): nearly everyone
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I remember that article
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I remember >95%
Instructor (Michael Zhu): well damn
Instructor (Michael Zhu): fail >_<
Instructor (Ashley White): epic fail
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): haha
Instructor (Michael Zhu): they must be good I guess right?
Instructor (Michael Zhu): Sony’s IT was pitiful
Instructor (Michael Zhu): though
Instructor (Kalli Walker): lol
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): haha
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): lol
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): ranked 11 currently
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): lol
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Tell em!
Instructor (Michael Zhu): it’s not number 1
Instructor (Michael Zhu): 😛
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): yes
Instructor (Ashley White): sure
Instructor (Eun Park): yes!
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): cool
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): sure
Instructor (Michael Zhu): all guud
Instructor (Amber Jefferson): cool
Instructor (Erica Robinson): Yes
Instructor (Eun Park):
Instructor (Sunitha Alexander): yes
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Mr. Evans is this your twitter account @GregoryDEvans ?
Instructor (Denton Theriot): Guess it’s laundry time.
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): You should follow me @SuicideSity lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I’m folding mine at the moment
Instructor (Michael Zhu): two baskets =
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): follow me @joellash_super7
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Can I get that?
Instructor (Michael Zhu): me
Instructor (Ashley White): mac
Instructor (Michael Zhu): how about android
Instructor (Lori Blair): Already got it
Instructor (Ashley White): what about a mac
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lmao
Instructor (Ashley White): what app is this
Instructor (Eun Park): Thank you!
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Joseph Tyer: So…I don’t have an iphone, android, or a twitter account
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): just made one
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): what about windows 7
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): hahahaha
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): this guy
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): wow
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): Me
Instructor (Erica Robinson): HAHA
Instructor (Kalli Walker): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): phone
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): hahaha
Instructor (Oluwachegum Paul Michel): lol
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): are you going to pay for an android phone for me as well?
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Erica Robinson): HAHA
Instructor (Erica Robinson): YEs
Instructor (Kalli Walker): yes
Instructor (Ashley White): windows7 phone have the app?
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Denton Theriot): You’re the only one in Atlanta with a Win Phone 7. Sorry Ashley.
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I have a friend who has one
Instructor (Michael Zhu): ;p;
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol so make that 2
Instructor (Ashley White): lol i like my phone
Instructor (Michael Zhu): it’s nice
Instructor (Lori Blair): I got a question
Instructor (Michael Zhu): Aren’t those easy to fix?
Instructor (Lori Blair): yes
Instructor (Michael Zhu): yes
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): no
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): no
Instructor (Kalli Walker): no
Instructor (Lottie Smith): no
Instructor (Ashley White): yes
Instructor (Michael Zhu): it’s’ just simple coding
Instructor (Lori Blair): hehehe drop table
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): yep but you should explain for the people who don’t
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): lol, drop table
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I love that xkcd comic for that one
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): link?
Instructor (Michael Zhu):
Instructor (Lori Blair): basically any site with a field you can type things in, if you put a sql statement in there that will inject sql into their databases
Instructor (Michael Zhu): fire them all!
Instructor (Lori Blair): which gives them update, delete, select capabilities
Instructor (Lori Blair): Well it’s often not them at fault, it’s usually management
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): approved by Gregory Evans!
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): That comic is awesome
Instructor (Eun Park):
Instructor (Lori Blair): Programmers usually wanna do the right thing, but management doesn’t want to spend the money.
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): He’s correct because I have been a programmer..
Instructor (Michael Zhu): oh nooes budgets this year doesn’t allow me too…
Instructor (Michael Zhu): cough
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): pascal and c
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): yep
Instructor (Lori Blair): that was the language they taught at my HS before C+
Instructor (Michael Zhu): heheehhhh….
Instructor (Lori Blair): You can’t ask ladies to disclose their age.
Instructor (Denton Theriot): Ok. Over 30 then Lori.
Instructor (Lori Blair): close
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): But see I have been a quality assurance and tried to correct programmers problem, but they don’t want to make the changes
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): because of production timing
Instructor (Denton Theriot): “It’s not included in the DSR, so we’re not going to do it.”
Instructor (Michael Zhu): “Fix it in the next patch!”
Instructor (Lori Blair): depends on your level of technical debt
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): correct michael they will wait until the next patch
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): The next DLC
Instructor (Lori Blair): And how mangeable and maintable the code is
Instructor (Michael Zhu): yea that’s the latest trend in software development lately
Instructor (Michael Zhu): sadly
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): I did.. and the programmers told me that I couldn’t break the code anymore because they had to meet the deadline for the company
Instructor (Michael Zhu): “I’m sorry, I programmed on my free time, don’t BS me!”
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): That’s correct make clean code..
Instructor (Michael Zhu): no no, I mean that if programmers made that excuse to me, I’d slap them
Instructor (Michael Zhu): 😛
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): get this money
Instructor (Danny Rios): Get the money!
Instructor (Demario Jones): No more?
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): money
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): yeah
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): lets make that money
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Yes
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Money Money Money
Instructor (Michael Zhu): $cha$ching$
Instructor (Ashley White): no at my job
Instructor (Eun Park): We will learn it soon.
Instructor (Lori Blair): penetration testing
Instructor (Michael Zhu): that’s what sh…. nothign *whistles*
Instructor (Michael Zhu): *whistles*
Instructor (Lori Blair): ah good old fun with wardialer
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): You got that right
Instructor (Erica Robinson): YEs I will
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Ashley White): wow
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): lol
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): hahha
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): true.. because security is not a concern, the products, production and being number 1 company is more important
Instructor (Michael Zhu): more hacking!
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): yes
Instructor (Kalli Walker): yes
Instructor (Jeremiah Huang): yes
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): yep
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): yes
Instructor (Sunitha Alexander): yes
Instructor (Lori Blair): It’s because doing what is expedient is more profitable in the short term and by the time the long term gets around I’ll have a new job.
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): “Hacking is good”
Instructor (Demario Jones): Hacking is good? I learned something today
Instructor (Michael Zhu): hacking is good!
Instructor (Jeremiah Huang): hacking is good
Instructor (Anisa Mixon): hacking is good!!!
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): Hacking is good!
Instructor (Lottie Smith): Hacking is good
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): hacking is great
Instructor (Danny Rios): amen
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): amen
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): backtrack
Instructor (Demario Jones): all the time
Instructor (Michael Zhu): a few
Instructor (Michael Zhu): =
Instructor (Ashley White): yea why?
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): 1+ for backtrack
Instructor (Lori Blair): not many
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): We all have haters
Instructor (Michael Zhu): there are those who think they’re the best when they’re pretty bad too
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): Haters gonna hate
Instructor (Michael Zhu): yup
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): thats when you know you are doing something right
Instructor (Demario Jones): Reality show about hacking
Instructor (Michael Zhu): gotta think about everything
Instructor (Michael Zhu): they hack browsers by laptop batteries now
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lol
Instructor (Lori Blair): I’m an accounting major
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): x factor
Instructor (Michael Zhu): glee’s on mondays?
Instructor (Ashley White): im good at SQL
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Kalli Walker): geez
Saleh Saeed: Yeah X factor
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): yes’
Instructor (Lottie Smith): yes
Instructor (Lottie Smith): Xfactor
Instructor (Kalli Walker): i’m a journalism major
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lol…
Instructor (Erica Robinson): I dont really watch tv
Instructor (Michael Zhu): xD
Instructor (Lottie Smith): DVR no TIVO
Instructor (Michael Zhu): I’ve learned alot
Instructor (Demario Jones): Hacking is good
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): learned a lot
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): Yes.. I learned a lot
Instructor (Kalli Walker): i learned
Instructor (Erica Robinson): Lol yes!
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): sleep
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): im a business management and a cis major in programming
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): cant thank u enough
Instructor (Lottie Smith): I learned a lot
Instructor (Michael Zhu): Hacking is good!
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): yes learned alot
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): Yeah, I learned
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): no! heard it all!!! and learned a lot!
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): I learned hacking is good and I should look more into penetration testing
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): jk jk
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): we do
Instructor (Kalli Walker): yes
Instructor (Amber Jefferson): yah
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): yes
Instructor (Lottie Smith): yes
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): yeah
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): yes! lol
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): yes
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Learn as much as possible
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): yes
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): what
Instructor (Erica Robinson): Ugh sure
Instructor (Eun Park): of course!
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): sure
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): sure
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): omg
Instructor (Ashley White): please
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): Sure
Instructor (Demario Jones): cool.
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): sure
Instructor (Ashley White): i want to meet you
Instructor (Michael Zhu): that would be nice
Instructor (Danny Rios): that will be great
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): ok
Instructor (Lottie Smith): sure
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): that would be excellent
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): me too
Instructor (Jeremiah Huang): ok
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): dont hack my computer though
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Danny Rios): LOL
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): Are you going to be this real in person
Instructor (Ashley White): i sure hope so. . .
Instructor (Michael Zhu): white hat?
Instructor (Denton Theriot): Getting caught?
Instructor (Ashley White): lol
Instructor (Joseph Tyer): umm
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): hahahaha
Instructor (Ashley White): sorry, i’m a funny person !
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): damn
Instructor (Kalli Walker): i want in
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): goodness
Instructor (Ashley White): lol
Instructor (Lori Blair): but once you get on their radar, that’s it
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): i wanna be bad… soo bad
Instructor (Ashley White): KALLI girl you crazy
Instructor (Kalli Walker): i’ll do 24 months for a couple mill
Instructor (Ashley White): you know it
Instructor (Michael Zhu): So the business plan: Hack big > Get Caught > Make a big name > Profit
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): same here
Instructor (Ashley White): $$$$$$$
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): You are crazy mcihael
Instructor (Michael Zhu):
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): lmao@ doing 24 months for a couple mil…
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): i’d do it to damn it
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): I work at target.. I am going to check that out..
Instructor (Michael Zhu): save me a shirt
Instructor (Michael Zhu):
Instructor (Michael Zhu): wooohooo
Instructor (Lottie Smith): GHETTO GEEKS
Instructor (Lori Blair): haha “That virus on your computer, I wrote it”
Instructor (Michael Zhu): my G2x will be happy
Instructor (GRegory Evans):
Instructor (Demario Jones): lol @ Lottie
Instructor (Lottie Smith): he has a shirt that says that
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): great job
Instructor (Danny Rios): Thanks!!!
Instructor (Demario Jones): That makes hackers seem gangsta. (Excuse my french)
Instructor (Michael Zhu): RIP Steve Jobs
Instructor (Lottie Smith): RIP Steve Jobs
Instructor (Michael Zhu): no
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): you are correct..
Instructor (Michael Zhu): YES!
Instructor (Michael Zhu): YES!
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): nope
Instructor (Michael Zhu): lol no
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): lol
Instructor (Leah Lunsford): lol
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): so we are meeting in person next time?
Instructor (Sunitha Alexander): nope
Instructor (Michael Zhu): but yeah seriously thank you, I’ve leared alot Mr. Evans
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): nope
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): Thank You Mr. Evans
Instructor (Ramone Stokes): Thanks!
Instructor (Saleh Saeed): yes
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): yes
Instructor (Lottie Smith): yes
Instructor (Vicki Jackson): Thank you..
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): yes
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): thank you!!!
Instructor (Erica Robinson): THANKS!!!Do you do hacking challenges against people
Instructor (Jeremiah Huang): thank you!
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): thank you
Instructor (Anisa Mixon): Thank you!
Instructor (Kenneth Munn): thannk you
Instructor (Michael Zhu): Thank you Mr. Evans!
Instructor (Ashley White): Thanks Mr. Gregory
Instructor (Amber Jefferson): Thank you!!!
Instructor (Sunitha Alexander): Thank you
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): Thank you!
Instructor (Oladayo Lasile): thank you sir
Instructor (Lottie Smith): THANK YOU!!!!
Instructor (Lori Blair): thank you
Instructor (Kalli Walker): U too
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): thank you
Instructor (Lori Blair): good night
Instructor (Samuel Sundell): bye
Instructor (Bryan Granberry): good night
Instructor (Danny Rios): Good niht
Instructor (Mohammed Alsawi): you too
Instructor (Michael Zhu): Goodnight!