Tufin revamps Security Suite with dashboard overview

Tufin Technologies has announced a major refresh of its Security Suite, adding a new dashboard interface that gives security admins a single overview of the state of an organisation’s security, risk and compliance.

Until now, admins would have needed to generate reports from each of the security configuration and management modules that make up the company’s Tufin Security Suite (TSS), a limitation that is near universal across the industry as whole.

The Interactive Interface that is now part of TSS R12-1 (2012 – release 1) automates all security report generation on a pre-defined time basis, pulling data into a single performance GUI that can be viewed by geography, firewall or security vendor, or even business unit or department.

Using separate browser windows, admins can instantly get a measurement of which of these might be diverging from security policies, drilling down to see what has changed and what risks might have arisen.

A final ‘change’ window makes it possible to drill down to the individual rules and objects that require optimisation.

As much as the integration of complex reports into a single unified whole is innovative, an important extra is that this is now done automatically, allowing security staff to respond to policy wrinkles rather than devoting time simply to finding them.

“It’s a paradigm shift,” claims Tufin products vice president, Shaul Efraim. “Until now they [admins] had to run different reports and spent time analysing them. Now it’s become push mode,” he says.

TSS R12-1 adds other improvements, the biggest of which is the provisioning of policy changes through which the software recommends tweaks to make on Check Point firewalls, automating these adjustments. Modules for Cisco, Juniper and others have been promised for later this year.

Tufin has also added a policy analysis feature that allows simulations of how specific policy changes might affect users, applications and services.

TSS R12-1 will be available from 29 February. Pricing starts at $20,000.

Article source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/270/f/3551/s/1cd8feef/l/0Lnews0Btechworld0N0Csecurity0C33393880Ctufin0Erevamps0Esecurity0Esuite0Ewith0Edashboard0Eoverview0C0Dolo0Frss/story01.htm

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