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U.S., China: Cyber Peace Deal To Be Signed Despite Chinese Hacker Discovery?

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

A cyberwar peace deal might be among the core issues that will be addressed in the impending state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping later this week the United States, after both countries have accused each other of spying, according to The Register. The World Wide Web has recently been the newest domain for warfare between rival countries, with established superpowers such as the U.S. and emerging powers like China both upgrading and training their army of cyberwarriors. A recent cyberattack veiled as an email containing a Microsoft Word document has been found to contain a software that searched American computers for sensitive information, automatically uploading it to a client in China. Upon investigation by U.S. security researchers, it was found that the data being taken from computers in the U.S. was being sent to Ge Xing, a member of a Chinese military reconnaissance unit, reports MSN News. The Chinese president however, denies the claim that China has been initiating cyberattacks to the United States. “The Chinese government does not engage in theft of commercial secrets in any form,” he said, according to The Wall Street Journal. Security analysts, however, have reacted to the Chinese president’s statement with skepticism, stating that […]

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