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Unbreakable Encryption inspired by Human Biology

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

When we talk about security, only one thing cames to our mind – ENCRYPTION. Encryption of our online messages, encryption of our emails, encryption of our voice call, encryption of our every personal data and communication that we have to keep away from cybercriminals and, if I am not wrong, also from government intelligence agencies, such as NSA and GCHQ.Eventually, secure encryption is mandatory need of our modern Internet, Mobile communication, financial transactions, network sensors, car keys, and many more. But, government agencies like NSA are trying hard to break every effort that we adopt to secure our personal and confidential data. NSA is trying to develop a futuristic super computer called ‘Quantum computer’ that could be capable of breaking almost every kind of Encryption used to protect banks, medical, business including top-secret information held by government around the world.So, need for new encryption schemes are on demand that is harder, even much harder to break. By keeping this in mind, scientists have come up with the new encryption scheme which is nearly uncrackable to make life tough for cyber criminals and government spying agencies.A team of physicists at Lancaster University in the UK have built up almost unbreakable encryption scheme […]

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