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Why the Ashley Madison Hack is Concerning

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Granted, the Ashley Madison hack is proving to be ripe ground for jokes from all over, particularly in terms of how many government officials’ email addresses were spotted on the information released from hackers. The appearance of Josh Duggar of “19 Kids & Counting” fame didn’t hurt matters for many either. Beyond the jokes, beyond the atavistic “ha ha, you got caught!” thrill the Ashley Madison hack provided, there are deeper issues afoot that should leave all in range frightened. It’s not so much the content, so much as it is the sheer amount of said content that was involved. The Ashley Madison hack involved 10 gigabytes of compressed data, ranging over 33 million accounts, the approximate equivalent of a little under half a Blu-ray disc’s worth of data. That’s 10 gigabytes worth of email addresses, phone numbers, names, and even financial transactions. That includes the “guaranteed affair within three months” transaction and the “delete everything; I was never here” transaction. Even worse, that includes information on PayPal accounts, on Windows keys, a host of internal documents and more, even things like server infrastructures for some businesses. That’s leading to some serious concerns about blackmail possibilities, as well as representing […]

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