For Cybersecurity, US Government Seeks a Few Good Hackers


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

WASHINGTON:  Alejandro Mayorkas, a high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official, opened a speech over the summer in Las Vegas before hundreds of hackers with a dare. “I challenge you all to make my phone ring during my remarks,” he said, brandishing a flip phone the size of a soda bottle. “Take a shot,” he said, urging the crowd to hack his phone. Then he sweetened the deal: There would be a government job for anyone who succeeded. The conference’s volunteer organizers, known as goons, soon interrupted Mayorkas for a long-standing tradition at the cybersecurity convention DEF CON: First-time speakers take a shot of whiskey on stage. “That was my first of the day, by the way,” Mayorkas said after downing the Jack Daniels, “but it won’t be my last.” Mayorkas was just one of a fleet of federal officials who attended Black Hat and DEF CON this year. The two gatherings have grown into annual pilgrimages for security researchers, hackers and hangers-on. Their mission? Enlist hackers to protect the homeland. Black Hat attracts cybersecurity companies that are eager to mingle with government officials and secure government work. The DEF CON crowd skews toward the Hollywood hacker stereotypes of geeks in […]

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