Women’s rights activist: Waris Dirie

The daughter of Somalian nomads, Waris Dirie fled her country at the age of 13 to escape an arranged marriage with a 60-year-old man and moved to London.While in London, she was spotted in the street by a photographer and  began her career as an international model. Waris was circumcised…

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Activist Angela Davis‏

Angela Davis was born in 1944 in the state of Alabama and is most famous for her activities as a communist campaigner during the civil rights movements and a member of the Black Panther movement. Angela’s Marxist and revolutionary activism saw her name figure on the FBI’s most wanted list…

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Activist Lillian Smith

Today Atlanta Free Speech highlights Lillian Smith (1897-1966). Honored in 1956 by the women who organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Smith was one of the nation’s strongest European-American voices to expose the vicious ways that racism destroys the human spirit. She used her stellar writing talent and class privilege to…

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Anonymous-linked activist faces jail

Rapper, hacker, or hero? Anonymous-linked activist now faces jail time for his role in exposing Steubenville rape case. ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com

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