Identity Theft Triggers Birth Certificate Alarm

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans The Registrar General’s Department (RGD) is currently taking steps to restrict to certain categories of persons the right to apply for birth certificates because of increasing incidents of fraud and identity theft. In some jurisdictions, there are restricted categories of persons…

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Hackers sound alarm about Internet of Things

A hacker with a smartphone can unlock your front door. Your refrigerator becomes infected with a virus that launches cyber attacks against activists in Bahrain. Criminals and intelligence agencies grab data from your home thermostat to plan robberies or track […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Copper cable thieves tracked by new BT alarm system

BT has deployed an alarm across its entire copper network in attempt to reduce the rising rate of cable theft.  The technology, entitled Rapid Assessment BT Incident Tracker (RABIT), has been developed by BT and allows it to constantly monitor signals across the network, which when disrupted indicate foul play,…

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Foreign hacker at utility was false alarm

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (UPI) — An apparent foreign intrusion into an Illinois municipal water system’s computers has turned out to be a false alarm, a source told The Washington Post. The “intruder” was a contractor who accessed the system remotely while on a trip to Russia, the source said. Problems…

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