22. HEROware-Making it Easy to Sell Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) in 3 Steps!.wmv

HEROware-Making it Easy to Sell BDR and Business Continuity-HEROware is the Fastest Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution for companies of all sizes. Using best of breed Hardware and Software from Double-Take, Dell, Microsoft and Intel, and world-wide USA based Technical Support, including HEROware supported Installation and Failback, the HERO-DefendeRx™ provides…

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Optimizing Backup and Disaster Recovery for your VMware Environment.MP4

Discover how organizations improve the reliability of backups and the recoverability of virtual machines. Supporting data growth, integrating with existing processes and protecting virtualized applications are all key components of an optimal storage solution for virtual infrastructures. Together, NETGEAR and Veeam provide integrated backup and data protection, efficient storage and…

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