Hacker deface T&T Parliament website to warn about security holes

Hacker deface T&T Parliament website to warn about security holes The Government’s parliamentary website, www.ttparliament.org, was taken offline yesterday after a computer software hacker apparently breached the security codes of the site and left a mischievous message announcing the security break. Under the name “CoD3X”, the hacker reassured the parliamentary…

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Hacker deface T&T Parliament website to warn about security holes

Hacker deface T&T Parliament website to warn about security holes The Government’s parliamentary website, www.ttparliament.org, was taken offline yesterday after a computer software hacker apparently breached the security codes of the site and left a mischievous message announcing the security break. Under the name “CoD3X”, the hacker reassured the parliamentary…

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Minecraft Tutorials – E23 Home Defense: Murder Holes (Survive and Thrive II)

How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft! In this episode, we improve our home security system by adding murder holes and tunnels. Download this tutorial world: paulsoaresjr.com or create it from scratch: www.youtube.com GIFFAMyouKnow’s video response: www.youtube.com BLOG: paulsoaresjr.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com FAQ: www.youtube.com Get Minecraft here:…

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