DARPA wants help to see IEDs hidden in mud and meat

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  cbrne_detection The increasing threat of explosives hidden in nasty places has prompted the Defense Department’s research agency to ask for help in developing technology that can see through murky or semi-solid substances, such as mud and animal carcasses. Homepage position:  10 read more View full…

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DARPA wants help to see IEDs hidden in mud, meat

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  cbrne_detection The increasing threat of explosives hidden in nasty places has prompted the Defense Department’s research agency to ask for help in developing technology that can see through murky or semi solid substances, like mud and animal carcasses. Homepage position:  10 read more View full…

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Modular robotic hand can disarm IEDs for less

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption:  Sandia hand Sandia National Labs and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have developed a robotic hand they say can be used to disarm improvised explosive devices (IEDs) without breaking the banks of potential users. Sandia National Labs said on Aug. 15…

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