Introduction to Metasploit for Penetration Testing

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: April 19, 2013 Length of Class: 24:05 Research Assistance: Nullset Computer Co ( Tracks Hacking Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class gives students an overview as to why Metasploit The…

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Windows password crack with Metasploit & BackTrack 4

Dimostrazione di intrusione in un sistema M$ Win XP attraverso la distribuzione Linux Backtrack e il software Metasploit… Search delle password SAM di windows in formato md5 Software utilizzati: Win XP SP2 virtualizzato Linux distribuzione BackTrack 4 virtualizzato Virtual Box, per la virtualizzazione Metasploit per penetrare nel sistema….. View full…

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Windows password crack with Metasploit & BackTrack 4

Dimostrazione di intrusione in un sistema M$ Win XP attraverso la distribuzione Linux Backtrack e il software Metasploit… Search delle password SAM di windows in formato md5 Software utilizzati: Win XP SP2 virtualizzato Linux distribuzione BackTrack 4 virtualizzato Virtual Box, per la virtualizzazione Metasploit per penetrare nel sistema….. View full…

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Pawning Windows 7 Sp1 Box with Metasploit

In this tutorial we will exploit a Windows 7 Sp1 OS using Metasploit. We will be using the exploit/multi/handler module which “provides all of the features of the Metasploit payload system to exploits that have been launched  outside of the framework“ Before we fire up Metasploit, we need to create…

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Freefloat FTP Server APPE Command Overflow in Metasploit

The Freefloat FTP Server APPE Command Overflow is not a 0-day exploit but lemme just share to you a Metasploit Module made by SecPod. In order to run the module we need to download the ruby script first and put it in this directory : /opt/framework/msf3/modules/exploits/windows/ftp wget For those…

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