Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A land­mark agree­ment on data-shar­ing between the United States and Europe is “in­val­id,” an ad­viser to a top European court said Wed­nes­day, in a de­cision that could lay the ground­work for lim­it­a­tions on the Na­tion­al Se­cur­ity Agency’s glob­al In­ter­net spy­ing prac­tices….

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EU investigation clears Apple Music overseas

While Apple Music has been under investigation in the U.S. for making certain demands of music labels during contract negotiations, in the EU lawmakers have cleared the tech giant of any wrong doing involving its streaming music service. When Apple was in negotiations with Universal, Sony and Warner to discuss…

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Dating System for Success Overseas Plain and simple, here’s what you’ll get from this video The reasons your chances for success are best with Dream Connections: 1. The ladies are screened 2. The men are screened 3. System designed to be comfortable 4. Read More…. View full post on

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