Hell no I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving

For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a time for food, family, and football. Due to the commercialism of the holiday, the truth is masked through festive colors, massive feasts and fictional stories. The truth is Thanksgiving is not a celebratory time due to the heinous treatment of the Native Americans by…

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http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6647539/the-six-girls-youll-see-back-home http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6647539/the-six-girls-youll-see-back-home http:… ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com

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Occupy camps celebrate Thanksgiving holiday

The Annapolis Capital SAN FRANCISCO — Anti-Wall Street demonstrators in encampments around the country spent Thanksgiving serving turkey, donating time in solidarity with the protest movement and, in some cases, confronting police. In San Francisco, 400 occupiers at a plaza in the financial district were served traditional Thanksgiving fixings sent…

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