Next-gen virus found and This is how it works

An unusual strain of virus-like hacker software that exploits computer server vulnerabilities without requiring human interaction is a leading example of a new generation of “ransomware,” according to a new report by Cisco Systems Inc. Hackers use such software to target large-scale networks and hold data hostage in exchange for…

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Hacking endangers U.S. agents, cyber sanctions in the works, surveillance court battle continues

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Chinese and Russian spy agencies are using hacked U.S. data to identify American intelligence officers and agents. “At least one clandestine network of American engineers and scientists who provide technical assistance to U.S. undercover operatives and agents overseas has been compromised…

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Spotsylvania tech firm works on Memex project featured on ’60 Minutes’

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans  Powered by Max Banner Ads IST Research’s 24 employees have fairly typical backgrounds for the Fredericksburg region. They’re government contractors, retired military personnel and recent college graduates. But their work creating technology for the developing world and mining the Internet for data…

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