If you run into any errors visit this link and they should fix your problems. tinyurl.com ——————– This video will show you how to record the display or your iDevice either directly on your iDevice or through a third party application like iDemo on your computer. Watch the video for more detail. ——————- Thumbs Up & SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Follow me on Twitter for tech updates and my new video releases: XC4RRiED Email: xc4rried@gmail.com ——————- TAGS Greenpoison rc5 windows version 4.2.1 untethered verizon jailbreak iphone 3gs ipod touch ipad cydia loader dinozambas D7 cell phones wireless laptops apps notebook video review gadgets technology music player smart phone macbook Mac unboxing greenpois0n greenpoison green poison pois0n vert rc5 gp gprc5 greenpois0nrc5 greenpoisonrc5 rc5pois0n untethered 4.2.1 tethered firmware model mc mb hacker cracker pirater hack crack patch free gratuit gratuitement ipodtouchisapro itiap halo3isapro itunes apple jailbreak jailbreaker cydia icy installer ipodtouch ipod touch itouch iphone 1g 2g 3g iphone1g iphone2g iphone3g iphone3gs 3gs iphone4 4g iphone4g ipodtouch1g ipodtouch2g ipodtouch3g ipodtouch4g french francais quebecois redsnOw 0 9 6rc8 iphone jailbreak for 3g and 3gs geohot new ipod touch ipad 4.2.1 firmware redsn0w untethered d7 dinozambas mod mac pc how to 4.1 4.0.2 4.0.1 4.0 4th gen 4g 3rd generation 2nd 1st itouch mc model mb 3.2.2 unlock 5.14.02 2.10.04 baseband limera1n greenpois0n …
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