Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Americans worry the most about having their credit card information stolen by hackers or becoming a victim of identity theft. Anxiety over the theft of credit card information and a person’s identity is considerably more than any other serious concern. Americans’ Worries About Various Crimes: Pollsters asked, how often do you, yourself, worry about the following things — frequently, occasionally, rarely or never? The percentage who Frequently or occasionally worry according to Gallup Poll conducted October, 2015. 69% Having the credit card information you have used at stores stolen by hackers 69% Being a victim of identity theft 40% Having your car stolen or broken into 39% Your home being burglarized when you are not there 33% Having a school-aged child of yours physically harmed while attending school 27% Being a victim of terrorism 25% Getting mugged 25% Your home being burglarized when you are there 19% Being a victim of a hate crime 17% Being attacked while driving your car 17% Getting murdered 16% Being sexually assaulted 7% Being assaulted/killed by a coworker/employee where you work By adding biometric security to a consumers credit and debit card brings a much higher level of security and safety giving a greater […]
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