Identity Theft and Having Credit Card Information Stolen by Hackers Is the Greatest Fear in the Minds of Consumers Highlighting the Need for a Safer Credit Card According to SmartMetric

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Americans worry the most about having their credit card information stolen by hackers or becoming a victim of identity theft. Anxiety over the theft of credit card information and a person’s identity is considerably more than any other serious concern. Americans’…

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Safer Internet: Let’s kick off the conversation

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans When we talk about technology and crime, or technological crime, we probably refer to crimes using new technologies, that is information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is very difficult to define, as new technologies continue to emerge and the examples become…

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Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans While Cyber Monday is still months away, information protection company Symantec is challenging eCommerce retailers to make this year’s annual online shopping event, which takes place on the Monday following Thanksgiving and Black Friday, the safest on record. In preparation, Symantec announced…

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