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Meet these five child hackers who could become top cyber security researchers

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Meet these 5 child geniuses who could be the future of cybersecurity Cybersecurity industry is hunting for new talent due to severe shortfall of skilled professionals in this field and it seems the industry has already got five child geniuses. In this article we will see how these five child geniuses got recognition and why we feel they could be the future of cybersecurity industry, provided they too choose to pursue a career in this field and choose to be on the side of white hats rather than black! Reuben Paul, is a nine year old boy who is just a third grader and studies in Harmony School of Science located in Austin, Texas. At the age of nine, most of the kids would be busy playing with their toy cars or may be involved in playing some video games. However, Reuben has already established himself as an ethical hacker. Last year during a B-Sides security conference, Reuben took to the stage to promote safer smartphone security. He demonstrated how within a matter of few minutes hackers can easily steal all the important data from your Android smartphone including contact details, call logs and messages. During his speech, Reuben emphasized the importance of being careful […]

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