#parent | #kids | #childsafety | Can You Reuse or Donate Your Car Seat?

Expiration dates help to ensure that your car seat reflects the latest in technology, which not only helps protect your child but may also help you get a more secure installation. A nonexpired date ensures that your car seat meets the most up-to-date safety regulations. And the expiration date is important to note when considering the structural integrity of the car seat’s components. The webbing, plastic, foam, buckles, etc., experience wear and tear over time that could weaken their ability to provide optimal crash protection if they’ve been in use for too long.

Check your owner’s manual and the car seat’s labels to determine whether the seat has exceeded its expiration date. Most car seats are good for six years or more from the date they’re manufactured. If the date has passed, dispose of the car seat properly by stripping it of all fabric and cutting all harnesses and straps so that they can no longer be used. Clearly mark the car seat’s shell “Do Not Use.” You can contact your local recycling plant to see whether it accepts used car seats or search online for trade-in programs in your area. 

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Posted in News, Tips & Advice

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