#parent | #kids | #childsafety | Safety Rules for Teen Drivers with ADHD

Learning to drive is thrilling for most teens, and nerve-wracking for their parents. When an adolescent has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents must be extra vigilant — anticipating and addressing symptoms that might cause distracted or impulsive driving.

Teens and adults with ADHD are more likely than others to drive carelessly, speed, fail to obey signs and signals, follow too closely, pass improperly, and not follow road markings. Research suggests they’re at least somewhat more likely than those without ADHD to participate in reckless driving, drunk driving, and poor lane placement.

This doesn’t mean you will be your child’s chauffeur forever. A simple agreement between you and your teen can help define the rules, encourage responsibility, and keep everyone safe on the road. Download this free driving contract template to get started with rules and guidelines such as:

  • No night driving for the first six months without a parent on hand.
  • No cell phone use while driving; pull over to accept urgent phone calls or texts.
  • No passengers except parents for at least the first three to six months.
  • Maintain a driving log. Teens should note where they went, how long it took, and what difficulties and distractions were encountered. Parents and teens can then discuss the log and develop ways to improve concentration and avoid problems.
  • And more!

Given the considerable driving risks associated with youth and inexperience, stringent safety guidelines make good sense for teens with or without ADHD. Parents can alter the agreement after six to twelve months of driving — when and if the teen demonstrates that he or she can drive competently and safely.

NOTE: This resource is for personal use only

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Posted in News, Tips & Advice

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