#parent | #kids | #cyberbullying | #cyberbully | Minnesota BCA Asks Parents to be Vigilant About Their Kids’ Online Safety

(KNSI) — The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is asking parents to be vigilant in keeping their children safe as a new school year starts.

Superintendent Drew Evans says parents should talk to their kids about who they share photos with online. Evans says, “In particular, sextortion. Meaning that somebody sends a picture of themselves often to an individual that they think they can trust, and then they’re extorted in a way to either pay a ransom or some other type of activity.”

Another area causing concern among law enforcement is cyberbullying. Evans says how kids treat each other online can be considered callous, even when that isn’t the intention.

“They may not recognized that some of their behavior online, in terms of bullying other kids may not even be viewed as bullying. So, we want parents to have those conversations with their students because we want all of our kids to be able to go to school and feel like they can learn in a safe environment.”

The BCA also asks people to download the “See It, Say It, Send It” App to report potential school threats.

Learn more by clicking here.


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