#parent | #kids | Letter: Help prevent child abuse | #childabuse | #children | #kids

Rightly, medical professionals are getting recognized these days for going above and beyond the call of duty. Ordinarily, it’s law enforcement or firefighters. We call them “first responders.” First responders who work tirelessly to help people experiencing a life-threatening emergency.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. I’m calling this out to draw attention to child protection front line workers who are also first responders. They are responding to calls involving children and babies in dangerous situations due to caregiver maltreatment or neglect; children and babies who have been physically or sexually abused, malnourished or abandoned. The calls come after the damage has been done, just like crimes, fires and medical emergencies.

Child protection workers are still working, they didn’t get sent home to work like so many of us. They are still on the front lines, responding to child safety concerns and parents reacting to the stress of not having enough patience, loss of income, no resources, and now all being cooped up with no where to go. They are also still supporting the 3,000 children in our state in foster care and the precious foster parents caring for those children.

Child abuse prevention means everybody helping each other so that bad things don’t happen to kids. There are tons of resources being shared, please help prevent child abuse by extending yourself to offer assistance to families under stress. Call and check in on your family members and friends with children. “Like” Strengthening Families Alaska on Facebook if you need ideas. Help prevent bad things happening to children and remember to thank your local child protections workers who continue to do their important jobs.

Have something on your mind? Send to letters@adn.com or click here to submit via any web browser. Letters under 200 words have the best chance of being published. Writers should disclose any personal or professional connections with the subjects of their letters. Letters are edited for accuracy, clarity and length.

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