“This is what KPAI has highlighted. Economic exploitation and sexual exploitation are certainly extraordinary crimes against children,” said Ai Maryati on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
She expressed appreciation to the Jakarta Metro Police for helping to solve this case. The two suspects were found to have committed a perfect crime. The forced labor as a prostitute for 1.5 years was not a short time. “It was not the job that the victim expected,” she added.
Tri Palupi, the head of the Jakarta Integrated Care Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A), stated that she had met with the victim, NAT, on July 13, 2022. The institution provided legal assistance.
“We do this in line with the 2016 Governor’s Regulation, which is to serve and provide assistance to victims of violence against women and children,” said Tri, adding that the teenager also needed psychological assistance.
She further underlined that family is the most important for the girl who fell victim to sex trafficking. “Children who do not have a family are sometimes neglected,” he said.
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