#parent | #kids | #parent | #kids | Tiktok launches new family pairing feature to ensure child safety

  • TikTok’s Family Pairing function allows parents to monitor activities on their teens’ accounts.
  • Parents can set a daily limit of 40 to 120 minutes for their adolescents to spend on TikTok.
  • TikTok has partnered with some of Pakistan’s most well-known celebrities to produce engaging content.

With its innovative Family Pairing function, which enables parents and teenagers to adjust their safety settings depending on personal needs, TikTok is continuing its efforts toward family safety.

As part of its ongoing commitment to support and care for the safety of young people on the platform, TikTok launched the #FamilyFirst initiative to raise awareness about how parents can use the Family Pairing Feature to monitor activities on their teens’ accounts, including DMs, notifications, watch and download settings.

Family Pairing enables parents to link their TikTok accounts with those of their children and to apply parental controls, such as:

Screen time management

You may set a daily limit of 40 to 120 minutes for your adolescent to spend on TikTok.

Restricted Mode

Restrict the display of material that might not be suitable for all audiences. Parents can assist their teen in setting up Screen Time Management and Restricted Mode even without Family Pairing activated by visiting the app’s Digital Wellbeing controls whenever they like.

Direct Messages

Limit who is allowed to send messages to the connected account or disable it entirely. In order to protect users, TikTok already has a number of messaging policies and controls in place.

For instance, only approved followers are permitted to communicate one another, and photos and videos are not permitted to be exchanged in messages.

Additionally, TikTok automatically disables Direct Messages for users under the age of 16 who join an account.

Control account privacy and security settings

Parents may choose who can like or comment on their teen’s videos, whether their account is secret or public, and whether others can suggest their account.

Parents can also determine whether their adolescent has access to search for noises, hashtags, or other types of content.

With a particular focus on its younger users, between the ages of 13 and 19, TikTok has partnered with some of Pakistan’s most well-known celebrities and producers who will be producing engaging content to highlight TikTok’s efforts around family safety.

TikTok and other social media platforms are giving families new ways to share their stories, exhibit their creativity, and support their local communities.

They frequently focus on creating a safe experience while learning how to navigate the digital environment together at the same time.

TikTok has improved and enhanced its teams, policies, procedures, and instructional tools over the past year with families in mind.

The platform has strengthened the tools in its Safety Center, which is also available in Urdu, increased the trust and safety teams’ capabilities, and worked with top online safety groups.

By launching Family Pairing, which expands the platform’s collection of safety tools and completes its efforts to give users greater access to product features when they reach significant milestones for digital literacy, TikTok strengthened its commitment to developing for the safety of our users.


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