The mysterious organization appears to be a group of vigilantes who catch child predators in the act and publish videos of their encounters to their YouTube Channel. It appears that the group set up their own undercover sting operation to catch adults who prey on children, and former Stow Police Chief Ralph Marino became ensnared in their trap. The police chief is just one of many predators who the group has caught in the act, and there are other chapters of the organization spread throughout the country as well, carrying out similar sting operations in other regions.
Still, despite the video evidence of his disgraceful activities, and the extremely graphic text messages which can be traced back to his phone, no formal charges have been filed against the former police chief. Representatives with the city of Stow say that Marino made the decision on his own to voluntarily place himself on administrative leave after meeting with Massachusetts State Police top brass to discuss the issue. In his place, Sgt. Darren Thraen has been named as the acting chief of Stow.
Former Stow Police Chief Ralph Marino.WCVB
A later statement from the police department promised to investigate the issue, even though the predator poachers have already provided the department with plenty of evidence, which would usually be enough to lead to a conviction in other cases. The police department also denied any wrongdoing or connection to Marino’s actions.
“There is no reason to believe that the activities being investigated involve or concern the operations of the Stow Police Department,” the statement said.
The vigilante group set up their own sting operation, similar to the format used in the ‘Catch a Predator’ television show. Marino fell into their trap, and started exchanging text messages with the vigilantes, thinking that he was speaking with a 14-year-old boy. Marino’s exchanges were incredibly graphic, and eventually, he planned to meet the boy in a private place. The vigilantes asked the chief to send a picture of himself, so when he appeared at the meeting spot they knew exactly who he was.
When Marino arrived at the meeting spot, he was approached by the vigilantes who had a camera rolling. Once Marino realized what was happening, he frantically tried to delete the text messages from his phone, but he was informed that the conversation was already documented on the other end.
The predator poachers were unaware that they had caught a police chief until they saw him on television shortly after, speaking about the disappearance of a 2-year-old girl. Below is the incredibly disturbing footage of the encounter, which shows the graphic messages. Viewer discretion is advised.
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