Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
In recent weeks, at least two potentially frightening new vulnerabilities have been discovered that could threaten an estimated 95 percent of the one billion devices running the Android operating system. The good news is that as of this writing, there have been no documented attacks on Android devices that take advantage of these two security vulnerabilities. The bad news is that now that information on these security vulnerabilities has been widely published, as well as presented at the recent Black Hat hacker and security convention in Las Vegas, it may only be a matter of time until some bad guys start to take advantage of these security vulnerabilities. Google, the progenitor of Android, was promptly made aware of the vulnerabilities as soon as they were uncovered, and has produced patches and fixes for many of the Android devices that have these vulnerabilities. The problems is that with the exception of a few models of Nexus smart phones supported directly by Google, it is up to the phone manufacturers or the cell phone carriers to release the upgrades and patches to close these vulnerabilities. At present, none of the major third party security software publishers provide any protection, leaving many of […]
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