Sony has announced the SmartBand 2. The fitness tracker now features a heart rate monitor that can check your pulse, and even your stress levels in conjunction with the accelerometer. While it does not feature a display, the SmartBand 2 does offer customizable LEDs that you can use to configure between calls, messages and emails. The SmartBand 2 is compatible with iOS devices running iOS 8.2 and up.
The SmartBand 2 also offers sleep tracking and logging, allowing you to gauge your sleep patterns. The IP68 certification allows you to take the fitness tracker to the pool, with the band cataloging all activity automatically, along with your corresponding heart rate. Sony is touting a battery life of two days from an hour’s worth of charge. You can access all your logged data, including sleep and fitness activity from the Lifelog app, which collates that information along with other moments, such as pictures taken, games played and the music you’ve listened to.
Sony has announced that the SmartBand 2 will go on sale globally in September for €119, which comes out to roughly $133. The fitness tracker will be available in black and white initially, with pink and indigo color options becoming available at a later date. With the fitness tracking portion limited to the removeable core module, you can accessorize the SmartBand 2 with additional color bands in the future.
Source: Sony
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