Neb. AG defends purchase of lethal injection drug

By Grant Schulte Associated Press LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning produced documents Monday that he said contradicted claims that state officials had been conned into buying stolen doses of an execution drug. The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services announced in November that it had obtained sodium thiopental,…

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Federal jury indicts SFPD drug lab tech

Author: Edwin Stephens Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — A former technician at the San Francisco Police Department’s crime lab has been charged in federal court with skimming cocaine from the lab, an allegation that forced its closure and the dismissal of hundreds of drug cases. A federal grand jury indicted…

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Drug cartel release Anonymous hacker group member

Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas have backed down in their confrontation with Hacker collective Anonymous. But questions have been raised in some quarters about whether the whole affair was an elaborate, if not potentially dangerous, hoax. According to a translation of a message posted on the Anonymous Iberoamerica blog late…

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