Apple Pay adoption: Growing or slowing?

The tale of two Apple Pay surveys. There have been some conflicting surveys out about Apple Pay in the last couple of weeks, one of which says the mobile payment service is growing and the other, declining. So, which is it? The Auriemma Consulting Group survey is clear and up…

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New Ad-Aware 10 Offers Leaner, Meaner, Faster Protection Against All Forms of Malware without Slowing Down Your PC

Lavasoft, the original anti-malware company, today released Ad-Aware 10, a complete redesign of its free, award-winning anti-malware software. Ad-Aware 10 gives consumers peace of mind while using their computers at work or at play by protecting their private data and cyber files against all forms of online threats including viruses,…

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AVG: Hacktivism is slowing down business

Hacktivist groups such as LulzSec and Anonymous are having an impact on certain businesses, but in general companies should be more worried about financial cybercrime, says AVG chief executive JR Smith ( ZDNet UK – Security ) View full post on lulzsec hacker – Yahoo! News Search Results View full…

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